Have you ever heard someone say they tried acupuncture and it didn’t work for them? There are probably many different factors on why this was their conclusion without even realizing it.
Acupuncture is not a one time treatment fix all. Unfortunately in today’s instant gratification society some people believe this to be true. The fact is that each acupuncture treatment builds on the previous one. Each treatment works to build up your Qi (energy), remove blockages, and put your body back into balance. Seeing an acupuncturist for one treatment and expecting to be cured is like putting a band aid on a cut that requires stitches, more care and treatment then a band aid.
Acute and chronic conditions are, and can be, treated by acupuncturist and your acupuncturist will set up a treatment plan that is highly recommend to stick to. This means not going often enough or leaving too much time between treatments will lead to starting all over as your body didn’t get the right attention as prescribed by the practitioner.
There may be other factors that need to be considered as well. What is your lifestyle like? Are you over worked? Are you suffering from low energy? Are you not getting enough sleep? These can all be contributing factors as well. This is because when you start acupuncture treatments with low energy, a deficiency in Qi, your first session or two could just be focused on bringing your Qi back up. It is important that lifestyle is discussed with your acupuncturist to determine if this might be a contributing cause to your condition. Your acupuncturist may make some recommendations on changes to your lifestyle to assist in speeding up the body’s natural healing capabilities.
What about your diet? Yes this can be a determining factor in the healing process. There may be a food your are consuming, could possibly even be a “healthy” food, that is something you should be avoiding due to your condition. Acupuncturist look at the whole body and that includes the fuel you are putting into it.
Unfortunately when it comes to our health there are no quick fixes. You need to work with your health care practitioner to help heal your body. Just like when you are prescribed a medication, you need to build up the dosage in your body for it to work.
People often ask, how often do they need to come out in. Well that is different for everyone and the condition you are being treated for. But a good start is 8-10 sessions that may start out at 2-3 times a week or maybe once a week. Some people it can be less than this if it is an acute condition and some people it may be longer for chronic conditions like asthma, allergies and so forth. It is an individual plan as unique as you are. Once you have reached a maintenance level you can be seen any where from once a month to once every three months.
Call Spot On Acupuncture at Manning Chiropractic and Wellness today to book your consultation, 780-456-2323 or message me directly.