three acupuncture needles resting on antique coin on top of scroll with Chinese characters for Spot On Acupuncture Edmonton Alberta Registered acupuncturist

Your Mood & Feelings of the Season

Every Season comes complete with it’s own emotion in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We are in the season of fall, when our bodies start to slow down after the fast pace of summer and when our moods and emotions can change too.

Sometimes you may be feeling sad and just don’t know why. In the fall we can feel more sadness and this can be explained through the Five Element theory. Each element is associated with a season, an organ, an emotion and so much more. Metal is associated with fall, the lungs and sadness. 

It is perfectly natural to feel sadness, be it unexplained or the recent loss of a friend, family member, relationship, job or whatever you personal loss may be. And it is perfectly natural and healthy to let yourself feel the grief but we also need to move forward and heal. Learning to let go so that we can come out on the other side even stronger.

Watch, listen and pay attention to your body. It will tell you when you need to slow down and what you need to feel but it will also tell you if it is out of balance. If you are feeling more tired than usual, a little under the weather, your breathing has changed or maybe there is a cough developing you may want to try acupuncture to help you. We have many points that can help you heal emotionally or help with issues associated with the lungs. The common cold, flu, asthma, cough can all be helped.

Call or message Spot On Acupuncture today to book your appointment. Take the time to heal yourself.